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abstract class ColumnType

Abstract base class for column types.

Source code in column_type.sdsstub
class ColumnType {
     * Return whether the given column type is nullable.
     * @result result1 True if the column is nullable.
    fun isNullable() -> result1: Boolean

     * Return whether the given column type is numeric.
     * @result result1 True if the column is numeric.
    fun isNumeric() -> result1: Boolean

fun isNullable

Return whether the given column type is nullable.


Name Type Description
result1 Boolean True if the column is nullable.
Source code in column_type.sdsstub
fun isNullable() -> result1: Boolean

fun isNumeric

Return whether the given column type is numeric.


Name Type Description
result1 Boolean True if the column is numeric.
Source code in column_type.sdsstub
fun isNumeric() -> result1: Boolean