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Type Casts

The compiler can infer the type of an expression in almost all cases. However, sometimes its type must be specified explicitly. This is called a type cast. Here is an example:

table.getColumn("age") as (Column<Int>)

A type cast is written as follows:

  • The expression to cast.
  • The keyword as.
  • The type to cast to enclosed in parentheses.

Afterward, the compiler will treat the expression as if it had the specified type. If the expression's actual type is not compatible with the specified type, the compiler will raise an error.

Rationale for parentheses around type

The parentheses around the type are necessary to avoid ambiguity with other language constructs. In particular, the less than operator (<) looks the same as the opening angle bracket of a type argument list (Column<Int>).

We could remove this ambiguity by using different syntax for the less than operator or for type argument lists, but both are established conventions in other languages. Instead, we require parentheses around types in an expression context to clearly indicate where the type ends.