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Your First Safe-DS Classification Program

The Titanic dataset is a simple example for your first machine learning project. The dataset contains data about passengers on the Titanic. Obviously, not all passengers had the same chances of survival. A model is intended to generalize, based on the data, the characteristics of a survivor.


Start by creating a file titanic.sds. The extension .sds is required, but the name can be anything you like.


All Safe-DS programs must declare their package at the beginning of the file. This groups related declarations from different files together.

package classification


Next you have to define your pipeline which is the entry point of your program:

pipeline titanic {
  // All further code must go here

Reading Data

Place the file titanic.csv in the same folder as your .sds file. You can then create a Table with the data from the CSV file:

val rawData = Table.fromCsvFile("titanic.csv");

Now you can access the data via the variable rawData.

Understanding the Data

Before you start building your model, it is important to understand the data you are working with. For example, you can view the first few rows of the table to get an overview of the data:

val _head = rawData.sliceRows(length = 5);

Moreover, you can view important statistics about the data:

val _statistics = rawData.summarizeStatistics();

Plots, like a correlation heatmap that shows whether individual columns are linearly correlated, are also a great starting point:

val _plot = rawData.plot.correlationHeatmap();
Underscore Prefix

The underscore prefix is a convention to indicate that a placeholder is not used again later in the code, but only exists to inspect its value. The prefix turns off the warning that the placeholder is not used.

Removing Columns

Some columns might not be useful for training the model and should be removed. In this case, we have decided to remove the columns cabin, ticket, and `port_embarked:

val preprocessedBeforeSplit = rawData.removeColumns(["cabin", "ticket", "port_embarked"]);

Usually, you would also remove the id and name columns, since you don't want models to learn a mapping from id-like columns to the target variable. However, we will show another way to deal with these columns without removing them, since they are still highly useful to map predictions of the model to passengers.

Splitting the Data

Before we learn any data transformations or train a model, we need to split the data into a training and a test set. The training set is used to train the model, while the test set is used to evaluate the model's performance on unseen data.

val rawTraining, val rawTest = preprocessedBeforeSplit.splitRows(percentageInFirst = 0.7);

This deterministically shuffles the rows and splits the data into two parts. The first part contains 70% of the rows and is assigned to rawTraining, while the second part is assigned to rawTest.

Fitting a SimpleImputer

Most models cannot handle missing values. An imputer is used to replace missing values using various strategies. In this case, we replace missing values of the columns age and fare with the median of the respective columns.

val imputer = SimpleImputer(SimpleImputer.Strategy.Median, columnNames = ["age", "fare"]).fit(rawTraining);

Note that we first configure an imputer using its constructor and then fit it to the training data with the fit call.

Fitting OneHotEncoder

Most models can only handle numerical data. Categorical data must be encoded into numerical data. One way to do this is one-hot encoding. This creates a new column for each category in a categorical column and assigns a 1 or 0 to indicate the presence of the category. This is particularly useful for unordered (i.e. nominal) data. We apply this to the sex column:

val encoder = OneHotEncoder(columnNames = ["sex"]).fit(rawTraining);

Transforming the Data with Fitted Transformers

Now that we have fitted the imputer and encoder, we can transform the training and test data:

val transformedTraining = encoder.transform(imputer.transform(rawTraining));
val transformedTest = encoder.transform(imputer.transform(rawTest));

This sequentially applies the imputer and encoder to the training and test data. Unfortunately, the nested calls are not particularly readable, since they must be read from the inside out. We can improve this by using the method Table.transformTable, which applies a fitted transformer to a table and returns the transformed table:

val transformedTraining = rawTraining.transformTable(imputer).transformTable(encoder);
val transformedTest = rawTest.transformTable(imputer).transformTable(encoder);

This is slightly longer but readable from left to right.

Creating a TabularDataset

Before we can train a model with the data, we need to attach additional metadata, like which column is the target to predict or which columns should be ignored during training. The latter can be used for id-like columns like id and name. We can create a tabular dataset from the transformed training data:

val trainingSet = transformedTraining.toTabularDataset(
    targetName = "survived",
    extraNames = ["id", "name"]

Fitting a Classifier

Finally, we train a classifier on the data. A classifier categorizes data into predefined classes. In our example we use the gradient boosting classifier:

val classifier = GradientBoostingClassifier(treeCount = 10, learningRate = 0.2).fit(trainingSet);

Like the transformers, we first configure the classifier using its constructor and then fit it to the training data. Unlike the transformers, however, the classifier expects a tabular dataset as input.

Evaluating the Fitted Classifier

To evaluate the classifier, we can for example evaluate its accuracy on the test data:

val _accuracy = classifier.accuracy(transformedTest);

Full Code

package classification

pipeline titanic {
    // Load data from a CSV file into a table
    val rawData = Table.fromCsvFile("titanic.csv");

    // Display the first 5 rows of the data
    val _head = rawData.sliceRows(length = 5);

    // Summarize the statistics of the data (e.g. max, min, missing value ratio, ...)
    val _statistics = rawData.summarizeStatistics();

    // Plot a correlation heatmap
    val _plot = rawData.plot.correlationHeatmap();

    // Drop columns that are not needed
    val preprocessedBeforeSplit = rawData.removeColumns(["cabin", "ticket", "port_embarked"]);

    // Split the data for training (70%) and testing (30%)
    val rawTraining, val rawTest = preprocessedBeforeSplit.splitRows(percentageInFirst = 0.7);

    // Fit an imputer to replace missing values with the median of the respective column
    val imputer = SimpleImputer(SimpleImputer.Strategy.Median, columnNames = ["age", "fare"]).fit(rawTraining);

    // Fit a one-hot encoder to convert nominal categorical data into numerical data
    val encoder = OneHotEncoder(columnNames = ["sex"]).fit(rawTraining);

    // Transform the training data using the imputer and the encoder
    val transformedTraining = rawTraining.transformTable(imputer).transformTable(encoder);
    val transformedTest = rawTest.transformTable(imputer).transformTable(encoder);

    // Create a tabular dataset from the transformed data
    val trainingSet = transformedTraining.toTabularDataset(
        targetName = "survived",
        extraNames = ["id", "name"]

    // Create and fit a gradient boosting classifier
    val classifier = GradientBoostingClassifier(treeCount = 10, learningRate = 0.2).fit(trainingSet);

    // Calculate the accuracy
    val _accuracy = classifier.accuracy(transformedTest);

Reusing Code with Segments

After splitting, we want to ensure to apply the same transformations to the training and test data. Currently, this means we have to manually apply the transformations to both datasets. This is not only cumbersome but also error-prone, since we might forget to apply a transformation to one of the datasets.

Segments (like functions in other programming languages) allow you to reuse code. You can define a segment that applies the transformations to the data and then call this segment for both the training and test data.

segment preprocessAfterSplit(
    table: Table,
    imputer: TableTransformer,
    encoder: TableTransformer,
) -> dataset: TabularDataset {
    yield dataset = table
        .toTabularDataset(targetName = "survived", extraNames = ["id", "name"]);

The segment takes a table, an imputer, and an encoder as parameters and returns a tabular dataset. Inside the pipeline, we can call the segment to transform the training and test data:

val trainingSet = preprocessAfterSplit(rawTraining, imputer, encoder);
val testSet = preprocessAfterSplit(rawTest, imputer, encoder);

Currently, this increases the verbosity of the code, but the major benefit is that we only need to add new transformations to the segment and they will be applied to both the training and test data.

Composite transformers

We are also currently working on a feature to combine multiple transformers into one. This will allow you to fit, apply, and pass around multiple transformers at once, greatly reducing the verbosity of your code. You can track progress here.

Full Code with Segment

package classification

pipeline titanic {
    // Load data from a CSV file into a table
    val rawData = Table.fromCsvFile("titanic.csv");

    // Display the first 5 rows of the data
    val _head = rawData.sliceRows(length = 5);

    // Summarize the statistics of the data (e.g. max, min, missing value ratio, ...)
    val _statistics = rawData.summarizeStatistics();

    // Plot a correlation heatmap
    val _plot = rawData.plot.correlationHeatmap();

    // Drop columns that are not needed
    val preprocessedBeforeSplit = rawData.removeColumns(["cabin", "ticket", "port_embarked"]);

    // Split the data for training (70%) and testing (30%)
    val rawTraining, val rawTest = preprocessedBeforeSplit.splitRows(percentageInFirst = 0.7);

    // Fit an imputer to replace missing values with the median of the respective column
    val imputer = SimpleImputer(SimpleImputer.Strategy.Median, columnNames = ["age", "fare"]).fit(rawTraining);

    // Fit a one-hot encoder to convert nominal categorical data into numerical data
    val encoder = OneHotEncoder(columnNames = ["sex"]).fit(rawTraining);

    // Create training and test sets
    val trainingSet = preprocessAfterSplit(rawTraining, imputer, encoder);
    val testSet = preprocessAfterSplit(rawTest, imputer, encoder);

    // Create and fit a gradient boosting classifier
    val classifier = GradientBoostingClassifier(treeCount = 10, learningRate = 0.2).fit(trainingSet);

    // Calculate the accuracy
    val _accuracy = classifier.accuracy(testSet);

segment preprocessAfterSplit(
    table: Table,
    imputer: TableTransformer,
    encoder: TableTransformer,
) -> dataset: TabularDataset {
    yield dataset = table
        .toTabularDataset(targetName = "survived", extraNames = ["id", "name"]);