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Ada Boost classification.

Parent type: Classifier


Name Type Description Default
learner Classifier The learner from which the boosted ensemble is built. DecisionTreeClassifier()
maxLearnerCount Int The maximum number of learners at which boosting is terminated. In case of perfect fit, the learning procedure is stopped early. Has to be greater than 0. 50
learningRate Float Weight applied to each classifier at each boosting iteration. A higher learning rate increases the contribution of each classifier. Has to be greater than 0. 1.0


pipeline example {
    val training = Table.fromCsvFile("training.csv").toTabularDataset("target");
    val test = Table.fromCsvFile("test.csv").toTabularDataset("target");
    val classifier = AdaBoostClassifier(maxLearnerCount = 100).fit(training);
    val accuracy = classifier.accuracy(test);
Stub code in AdaBoostClassifier.sdsstub

class AdaBoostClassifier(
    learner: Classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(),
    @PythonName("max_learner_count") const maxLearnerCount: Int = 50,
    @PythonName("learning_rate") const learningRate: Float = 1.0
) sub Classifier where {
    maxLearnerCount >= 1,
    learningRate > 0.0
} {
     * The base learner used for training the ensemble.
    attr learner: Classifier
     * The maximum number of learners in the ensemble.
    @PythonName("max_learner_count") attr maxLearnerCount: Int
     * The learning rate.
    @PythonName("learning_rate") attr learningRate: Float

     * Create a copy of this classifier and fit it with the given training data.
     * This classifier is not modified.
     * @param trainingSet The training data containing the feature and target vectors.
     * @result fittedClassifier The fitted classifier.
    fun fit(
        @PythonName("training_set") trainingSet: TabularDataset
    ) -> fittedClassifier: AdaBoostClassifier


Whether the model is fitted.

Type: Boolean


The base learner used for training the ensemble.

Type: Classifier


The learning rate.

Type: Float


The maximum number of learners in the ensemble.

Type: Int


Compute the accuracy of the classifier on the given data.

The accuracy is the proportion of predicted target values that were correct. The higher the accuracy, the better. Results range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description Default
validationOrTestSet union<Table, TabularDataset> The validation or test set. -


Name Type Description
accuracy Float The classifier's accuracy.
Stub code in Classifier.sdsstub

fun accuracy(
    @PythonName("validation_or_test_set") validationOrTestSet: union<Table, TabularDataset>
) -> accuracy: Float


Compute the classifier's F₁ score on the given data.

The F₁ score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. The higher the F₁ score, the better the classifier. Results range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description Default
validationOrTestSet union<Table, TabularDataset> The validation or test set. -
positiveClass Any The class to be considered positive. All other classes are considered negative. -


Name Type Description
f1Score Float The classifier's F₁ score.
Stub code in Classifier.sdsstub

fun f1Score(
    @PythonName("validation_or_test_set") validationOrTestSet: union<Table, TabularDataset>,
    @PythonName("positive_class") positiveClass: Any
) -> f1Score: Float


Create a copy of this classifier and fit it with the given training data.

This classifier is not modified.


Name Type Description Default
trainingSet TabularDataset The training data containing the feature and target vectors. -


Name Type Description
fittedClassifier AdaBoostClassifier The fitted classifier.
Stub code in AdaBoostClassifier.sdsstub

fun fit(
    @PythonName("training_set") trainingSet: TabularDataset
) -> fittedClassifier: AdaBoostClassifier


Return the names of the feature columns.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description
featureNames List<String> The names of the feature columns.
Stub code in SupervisedModel.sdsstub

fun getFeatureNames() -> featureNames: List<String>


Return the schema of the feature columns.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description
featureSchema Schema The schema of the feature columns.
Stub code in SupervisedModel.sdsstub

fun getFeaturesSchema() -> featureSchema: Schema


Return the name of the target column.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description
targetName String The name of the target column.
Stub code in SupervisedModel.sdsstub

fun getTargetName() -> targetName: String


Return the type of the target column.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description
targetType DataType The type of the target column.
Stub code in SupervisedModel.sdsstub

fun getTargetType() -> targetType: DataType


Compute the classifier's precision on the given data.

The precision is the proportion of positive predictions that were correct. The higher the precision, the better the classifier. Results range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description Default
validationOrTestSet union<Table, TabularDataset> The validation or test set. -
positiveClass Any The class to be considered positive. All other classes are considered negative. -


Name Type Description
precision Float The classifier's precision.
Stub code in Classifier.sdsstub

fun precision(
    @PythonName("validation_or_test_set") validationOrTestSet: union<Table, TabularDataset>,
    @PythonName("positive_class") positiveClass: Any
) -> precision: Float


Predict the target values on the given dataset.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description Default
dataset union<Table, TabularDataset> The dataset containing at least the features. -


Name Type Description
prediction TabularDataset The given dataset with an additional column for the predicted target values.
Stub code in SupervisedModel.sdsstub

fun predict(
    dataset: union<Table, TabularDataset>
) -> prediction: TabularDataset


Compute the classifier's recall on the given data.

The recall is the proportion of actual positives that were predicted correctly. The higher the recall, the better the classifier. Results range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description Default
validationOrTestSet union<Table, TabularDataset> The validation or test set. -
positiveClass Any The class to be considered positive. All other classes are considered negative. -


Name Type Description
recall Float The classifier's recall.
Stub code in Classifier.sdsstub

fun recall(
    @PythonName("validation_or_test_set") validationOrTestSet: union<Table, TabularDataset>,
    @PythonName("positive_class") positiveClass: Any
) -> recall: Float


Summarize the classifier's metrics on the given data.

Note: The model must be fitted.


Name Type Description Default
validationOrTestSet union<Table, TabularDataset> The validation or test set. -
positiveClass Any The class to be considered positive. All other classes are considered negative. -


Name Type Description
metrics Table A table containing the classifier's metrics.
Stub code in Classifier.sdsstub

fun summarizeMetrics(
    @PythonName("validation_or_test_set") validationOrTestSet: union<Table, TabularDataset>,
    @PythonName("positive_class") positiveClass: Any
) -> metrics: Table